2011. január 25., kedd

Hard Rock Of Lahrob Nr1 in Belgium

Wonderful news came through this afternoon!
Hard Rock of Lahrob, was Nr. 1 irish Wolfhound bitch in Belgium in 2010!
Roxy is onwed by Christa Hermsen, and her daughter Veronica.
Thank you Chrisna and Veronica! We are very happy and proud of you!

2011. január 11., kedd

New year, new generation!

Happy 2011! The best way to start the new year, is to introduce the new generation!
We would like to introduce Bono, 5 month old son of Andreas..he is simply irressitible! His name is of Lahrob, and he lives with our friend Tony, nearby Budapest.
Isn't he lovely?
Meanwhile we received a great news from the Czech Republic as well, where the young and beautiful Kelly of Lahrob won puppy class with very promising 1. She is now 7 months old. We are waiting for the pictures, so hopefully, we can post them here soon!